DVDs. By $25 or more generous donation for two DVDs of the Cryptome 14.5-years archive from June 1996 to November 2010. The archive contains about 58,000 files (~8.9GB) published on Cryptome.org and its related sites along with the companion site Cartome.org and US Army INSCOM Dossiers of about 25,000 pages. The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost. Email a shipping address to cryptome[at]earthlink.net. How to Donate

lt-christian-book.pdf Guide to Shipboard Medical Officers              January 5, 2010
cjcsi-5320-01.pdf     DoD Guidance for the Joint History Program       January 5, 2010

tsa010611.pdf         TSA Exercise Information System                  January 5, 2010
hts-fet.htm           Human Terrain System Female Engagement Teams     January 4, 2010
uav-future.pdf        UAV Present and Future Capabilities              January 4, 2010 (2.6MB)
cia-04-0106.pdf       CIA FBIS Transformed into Open Source Spying     January 3, 2010 (470KB)
state-03-0412.pdf     State Outsmarted by the Taliban                  January 3, 2010 (653KB)

dod-04-0429.pdf       DoD JCS Command Center Flummoxed by 9-11         January 3, 2010 (941KB)
dod-03-1110.pdf       DoD Conflicted about the Intelligence Community  January 3, 2010 (542KB)
wh-76-0727.pdf        US AU Heads Muse Messing with China and Asia     January 3, 2010 (1.4MB)
sibel-edmonds.pdf     Sibel Edmonds Censored Yet Again                 January 3, 2010 (455KB)
behrooz-sarshar.pdf   Behrooz Sarshar Former FBI Translator            January 3, 2010 (600KB)

haiti-tents.htm       Port au Prince Haiti Tent Camps Growth Eyeball   January 2, 2010
dod-03-1107.pdf       DoD Intel Boykin on Special Operations Forces    January 1, 2010 (1.4MB)
wh-74-0523.pdf        Nixon on Threat to Pakistan by Soviets-India     January 1, 2010 (954KB)
sec-03-0916.pdf       SEC Investigates 9-11 Related Trading 1          January 1, 2010 (1.5MB)
sec-04-0511.pdf       SEC Investigates 9-11 Related Trading 2          January 1, 2010 (304KB)

faa-03-0915.pdf       FAA Critique of Air Security and TSA             January 1, 2010 (1.3MB)
fbi-04-0224.pdf       FBI Struggles to Comply with FISA                January 1, 2010 (1.1MB)
fbi-04-0120.pdf       FBI NY Counterterrorism 9-11 Commish Interview   January 1, 2010 (1.4MB)
fbi-03-1204.pdf       FBI Counterterrorism 9-11 Commish Interview      January 1, 2010 (971KB)
dodi-5240-19.pdf      DoD Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence   January 1, 2011

wl-message.pdf        Navy Warns of Wikileaks Classified Releases      January 1, 2011
aba-04-0318.pdf       Bankers Knock PATRIOT Act as Knee-Jerk SNAFU     December 31, 2010
phill-04-0713.pdf     Scott Phillpott on Atta AlQ Link by Able Danger  December 31, 2010
verizon-04-0225.pdf   Verizon Response to 9-11 9-11 Commish Interview  December 31, 2010 (638KB)
dia-03-0929.pdf       DIA Rick Boyd DND Canada 9-11 Commish Interview  December 31, 2010 (638KB)

dia-03-1003.pdf       DIA FBI JTTF Miami 9-11 Commish Interview        December 31, 2010 (739KB)
usaf-03-1202.pdf      USAF Schaeffer JS J2 9-11 Commish Interview      December 31, 2010 (668KB)
cia-04-0621.pdf       CIA David Cohen DDO 9-11 Commish Interview       December 31, 2010 (869KB)
dea-csos.pdf          DEA Controlled Substance Ordering System FOUO    December 30, 2010
wikileaks-rip.htm     Wikileaks Rest In Peace                          December 29, 2010

great-secret.pdf      Surveillance and Censorship in UK and EU         December 29, 2010
cia-03-1229.pdf       CIA Terrorism Reports 9-11 Commish Interview     December 28, 2010 (854KB)
cia-03-1204.pdf       CIA Counterterrorism 9-11 Commish Interview      December 28, 2010 971KB)
cia-03-1125.pdf       CIA Winston Wiley CTC 9-11 Commish Interview     December 28, 2010 (1.2MB)
cia-03-0905.pdf       CIA John Helgerson IG 9-11 Commish Interview     December 28, 2010 (620KB)

cia-03-0905-2.pdf     CIA Director of HR 9-11 Commish Interview        December 28, 2010 (592KB) 
cia-03-0902.pdf       CIA Bruce Berkowitz 9-11 Commish Interview       December 28, 2010 (724KB)
nsa-04-unk.pdf        NSA Chief Counterintel 9-11 Commish Interview    December 28, 2010 (607KB)
nsa-04-0519.pdf       NSA SIGINT Collection 9-11 Commish Interview     December 28, 2010 (1.2MB)
nsa-04-0121.pdf       NSA William Black DDIR 9-11 Commish Interview    December 28, 2010 (984KB)

nsa-04-0109.pdf       NSA Rep to FBI 9-11 Commish Interview            December 28, 2010 (709KB)
nsa-03-1215.pdf       NSA Barbara McNamara DDO 9-11 Commish Interview  December 28, 2010 (1.2MB)
nsa-03-1210.pdf       NSA Rich Taylor DDO 9-11 Commish Interview       December 28, 2010 (1.5MB)
nsa-03-1209.pdf       NSA William Crowell DDIR 9-11 Commish Interview  December 28, 2010 (1.2MB)
nsa-03-1107.pdf       NSA SIGINT National Intel 9-11 Commish Interview December 28, 2010 (766KB)
nsa-03-1107-2.pdf     NSA William Crumm SIGINT 9-11 Commish Interview  December 28, 2010 (848KB)
nsa-03-1106.pdf       NSA SIGINT Liaison 9-11 Commish Interview        December 28, 2010 (929KB)
state-03-0922.pdf     State Dept Stapelton Roy 9-11 Commish Interview  December 28, 2010 (944KB)
wh-76-0518.pdf        White House Meeting Ford d'Estaing Kissinger     December 28, 2010 (1.1MB)
wh-73-1212.pdf        White House Meeting Dinitz Shaleve Scowcroft     December 28, 2010 (1.6MB)

nsa-grsoc.htm         NSA Georgia Regional Security Operations Center  December 27, 2010
obama-hi.htm          Obama Protection Christmas in Hawaii 2010        December 26, 2010
bnd-central.htm       New German Spy Headquarters Eyeball              December 26, 2010
il-google-api.htm     Israel Google Maps API for Flash                 December 26, 2010
wikileaks-gest.htm    Wikileaks in Gestation 2001                      December 25, 2010

cia-spain.pdf         CIA: US Spies v. US Ambassador to Spain (1943)   December 25, 2010 (1MB)
uk-banks-gag.htm      UK Bankers Try Gag of Student's Research         December 25, 2010
nw-council.pdf        Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Council                December 25, 2010
nw-effects.pdf        Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Effects                December 25, 2010
nw-survive.pdf        Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Effects Survivabilty   December 25, 2010

nw-info.pdf           Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Info Classification    December 25, 2010
doe-452-z.pdf         Control of Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Data        December 25, 2010
cnwdi.pdf             Control of Megadeath Nuclear Weapons Design Info December 25, 2010
dodd-5100-01.pdf      Functions of the Department of Defense           December 25, 2010
uswtr-loa.pdf         Undersea Warfare Training Range                  December 24, 2010 (3MB)

cia-shorthand.pdf     CIA: The Shorthand of Experience                 December 24, 2010 (1.4MB)
cia-hypnotism1.pdf    CIA: The Military Application of Hypnotism       December 24, 2010
cia-hypnotism2.pdf    CIA: Hypnotism and Covert Operations             December 24, 2010
dnfsb122710.pdf       Hazards of Nuclear Weapons Waste Storage         December 24, 2010
cia-dogwood.pdf       CIA: DOGWOOD Project 1944                        December 22, 2010 (3MB)

cia-so-train.pdf      CIA: Special Operations Training 1942            December 21, 2010 (2MB)
cia-lcfangled.pdf     CIA: LCFANGLED Spy Ship Gone Awry                December 21, 2010
fbi-backdoors.htm     FBI OpenBSD IPSEC Backdoors Updated Background   December 21, 2010
ddb-denial.htm        Domscheit-Berg Denies Assange-Israeli Allegation December 21, 2010
security-hoot.htm     Security Hoot                                    December 21, 2010


O f f s i t e 

Sec Opps 3            USG Warns of Secrecy Opponents Inside 3          January 4, 2010

Sec Opps 2            USG Warns of Secrecy Opponents Inside 2          January 4, 2010
Sec Opps 1            USG Warns of Secrecy Opponents Inside 1          January 4, 2010
USN                   Using the SIPRNET                                December 31, 2010
IL Stop               Israel Asked Dubai to Not Release Assassins Pix  December 31, 2010
MC Wynn 6             Steve Wynn Monaco Clammed Up                     December 31, 2010

MC Thugs              Monaco Islamic Fascists                          December 31, 2010
MC Wynn 5             Steve Wynn Lesson Unlearned                      December 30, 2010
MC Al                 Prince Albert Breaking Laws of Monaco            December 29, 2010
MC Wynn 4             Steve Wynn Monaco Financial Entangelements       December 29, 2010
MC Wynn 3             Steve Wynn Monaco a Few Points                   December 29, 2010

MC Wynn 2             Steve Wynn Monaco Nationality                    December 29, 2010
Fierce                The Battle of Wanat Final Report                 December 29, 2010
Run                   Gambler Steve Wynn Escapes to Monaco             December 28, 2010
11M Records!          National Archives Online Public Access           December 27, 2010
Anon                  Allegations of Assange's Women Abuse and a Rat   December 26, 2010

Tim May               True Nyms and Crypto Anarchy                     December 23, 2010
ATM WL                Wikileaks Cash Machine Partly Revealed           December 23, 2010
ATM 1                 Anti-Terrorist Mitchell Werbell Interview 1      December 23, 2010
ATM 2                 Anti-Terrorist Mitchell Werbell Interview 2      December 23, 2010
Boo                   Cryptome Demonized Recycled                      December 23, 2010

BS JA                 Bruce Sterling Demonizes Julian Assange          December 22, 2010
ALF Rat               A.L.F. Snitch Has FBI-Mozilla Connection         December 22, 2010
EFF WL                EFF and Others Defend Wikileaks                  December 22, 2010
JL v. EFF WL          Jaron Lanier Demonizes EFF and Wikileaks         December 20, 2010
GD-JA                 The Deleuzian Philosopy of Julian Assange        December 20, 2010

1A vs USG             Progressive Publishes Hydrogen Bomb Design 1979  December 18, 2010
NMGB                  Negro Motorist Green Book 1949                   December 17, 2010
FI-CN                 Stuxnet’s Finnish-Chinese Connection             December 17, 2010
Leak Love             NSA Says Networks Are Leaky (Up Budget)          December 17, 2010
FCCupcake             Federal Cupcake Commission                       December 16, 2010


Afpak Fun


Silent Stars

By Jennifer Skalka

A suicide bomber in Afghanistan killed seven of the CIA’s own, including one of its best terrorist trackers. New details about Jennifer Matthews—and her secretive life—provide an inside look at a bloody and unfinished war.



Jennifer Matthews

Jennifer L Matthews, 45, of Fredericksburg, VA was the chief of the CIA’s Forward Operating Base Chapman, a small, heavily fortified compound near the town of Khost, on Afghanistan’s eastern border with Pakistan.

Jennifer was an expert on al-Qaeda and a veteran targeteer in the agency’s air war against terrorist groups and had been in Khost for seven months. She is remembered as a passionate analyst, among the first to specialize in the study of an obscure group of pan-Arab terrorists who called themselves “the Base,” or al-Qaeda. Jennifer had worked in the Osama bin Laden unit, known as Alec Station, and also served a brief stint in London. She was the mother of three.

Besides Matthews, the Americans killed in Khost include Daren LaBonte, 35; Scott Roberson, 39; Harold Brown, 37; Elizabeth Hanson, 30; and contractors Jeremy Wise, 35, and Dane Paresi, 46.

They were killed by an informant who had set a trap saying he had infiltrated al-Qaeda’s innermost circle.

The suicide attack on Forward Operating Base Chapman in Khost marked the CIA's worst loss in a single day since the 1983 bombing of the US embassy in Beirut, in which more than 60 people were killed including eight agency personnel.



Elizabeth Curry Marie Hanson

Elizabeth C. Hanson, 30, joined the CIA as a specialist in finding Islamic extremists and was part of a team collecting information about militant networks in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

She was killed while defending America’s freedom at a remote base in the mountains of Afghanistan on December 30, 2009.

Hanson was born in February 1979 in Rockford, IL and was the daughter of Duane Hanson Jr. She graduated from Keith Country Day School in 1997, and attended Colby College in Waterville, Maine, majoring in economics with a concentration in financial markets and Russian language and culture. After the September 11, 2001, attacks in New York, Hanson was prompted to explore the relationship between religion and economics and to dedicate her life to defending America’s freedom.


Initial Assessments of Safeguarding and Counterintelligence Postures for Classified National Security Information in Automated Systems

January 3, 2010

Do you capture evidence of pre-employment and/or post-employment activities or participation in on-line media data mining sites like WikiLeaks or Open Leaks?


Are you now or have you ever been or will you ever be a participant in the anti-secrecy-restore-democracy initiative?

http://cryptome.org/nara/frbny-04-0121.pdf (415KB)

William J. McDonough, former President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York being interview by the 9-11 Commission:

"He discussed the Federal Reserve providing dollars for the ATMs in New York. He said that the Fed was operating from their East Rutherford Operations Center (EROC) where they brought the dollars through the tunnel and distributed them to the banks to put in the ATMs as they normally would. They were worried that there would be a run on ATMs with people trying to get cash and they wanted to be prepared. Access to the Holland and Lincoln tunnels was clear for EROC deliveries because the Fed maintained good relations with the NYPD and the Port Authority. Drivers from the EROC were uniformed Fed employees with government photo ID's and did not experience any significant difficulties getting into the city.

In terms of the Fed's own evacuation, he said that it went smoothly but there were problems. First, one of the janitors gained access to the building's internal speaker system and announced an evacuation which he was not authorized to do. Second, when Tom Baxter, the General Counsel left the building he realized there was no key to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. No one had ever evacuated the building and left it unmanned."

Not reported is how the largest gold vault in the world was protected while the building was unoccupied:


"The Federal Reserve Bank of New York maintains a vault that lies 80 feet below street level and 50 feet below sea level, resting on Manhattan bedrock. By 1927, the vault contained ten percent of the world's official gold reserves. Currently, it is reputedly the largest gold repository in the world (though this cannot be confirmed as Swiss Banks do not report their gold stocks) and holds approximately 7,000 metric tons of gold bullion ($270 billion as of July 2010), more than Fort Knox. The gold is owned by many foreign nations, central banks and international organizations. The Federal Reserve Bank does not own the gold but serves as guardian of the precious metal, which it protects at no charge as a gesture of goodwill to other nations."

More on the FRBNY's central role in providing financial liquidity during 9-11 response:

http://cryptome.org/nara/frbny-04-0109.pdf (1.3MB)

New Cryptome Publication:

New York VOIR DIRE: Interrogating the Juridical City State of Exception
Deborah Natsios / Cryptome, 27 October 2010

http://cryptome.org/cartome/Natsios-Voir-Dire.pdf (3.4MB)

"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung
via Tony Gosling

Military Casualties

Iraq Civilian Dead Wounded Care War Contracts

DECEMBER 2010 clsid-list-09.htm CLSID Shit List 9 December 20, 2010 tehran-autopsy.htm Autopsy in Tehran Part 1/3 December 20, 2010 tutora-v-wl.pdf Wikileaks Accused of Downloading Spy Files December 19, 2010 wl-info-warning.htm Wikileaks.info Warning December 19, 2010 obama-protect39.htm Obama Protection 39 December 18, 2010 soyuz-tma20.htm Launch of Soyuz TMA-20 December 18, 2010 ustr121710.htm Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement RWS December 17, 2010 wikileaks-series.htm Wikileaks Series on Cryptome 2006-2010 December 17, 2010 apple-suits.htm Apple iPhone and iPad Patent Suits December 17, 2010 wikileaks-honest.htm Wikileaks Honest Contact Down December 17, 2010 garzon-extort.pdf Judge Baltasar Garzon Extorts Biz Update December 17, 2010 (990KB) wikileaks-amok.htm Wikileaks Cables Amok Update December 15, 2010 mr-big-ruse.pdf Mr Big Technique to Elicit Confessions December 16, 2010 wikileaks-pay.htm Pay Wikileaks to Play December 15, 2010 hts-shame.htm US Army Starving its Civil Affairs Functions December 14, 2010 dod121410.htm DoD Trucks IT Dates December 14, 2010 dea121410.htm DEA Survey of Drug User Informants December 14, 2010 wikileaks-dan.htm Wikileaks Targets Daniel Ellsberg Brand December 12, 2010 wikileaks-lash.htm Wikileaks CIA, Soros and Competitors Backlash December 12, 2010 linder-v-wiki.htm David Linder v. Wikipedia and Wikileaks December 11, 2010 wikileaks-streams.htm Wikileaks Streams of Hidden Money December 11, 2010 dodd-3115-13.pdf DoD Support for Hi-Value Detainee Interrogation December 11, 2010 dodi-8100-04.pdf DoD Unified Capabilities for Networks December 11, 2010 wikileaks-six.htm Six Anti-Theses on WikiLeaks December 11, 2010 nsa-spy-ships.htm NSA Technical Spy Ships December 10, 2010 enigma-end.htm NSA: The Last Days of the Enigma December 10, 2010 wikileaks-renege2.htm Wikileaks Reneges Bradley Manning Promise 2 December 10, 2010 nasa-ig-11-009.zip NASA Disposition of Shuttle InfoTech Equipment December 10, 2010 (1.1MB) bis120910.htm Commerce Control List Revisions RFC December 9, 2010 gao-11-67.pdf Megadeath Labs Emergency Planning SNAFU December 9, 2010 (924KB) wikileaks-renege.htm Wikileaks Reneges Bradley Manning Promise December 8, 2010 us-sa-oil.htm USG Steps to Protect Saudi Oil Facilities December 6, 2010 gov-isp-threats.htm Cyber Threats to Government and ISP Facilities December 6, 2010 ci-kr-spy.htm US Critical Infrastructure-Key Resources Abroad December 5, 2010 wikileaks-dadt.htm Wikileaks DADT December 5, 2010 mexico-spy.htm Mexico Interagency Spying December 5, 2010 us-spy-un.htm US United Nations Spy Den Eyeball December 4, 2010 wikileaks-wikiing.htm Wikileaks Wikiing December 4, 2010 dodd-2311-01e.pdf DoD Law of War Program December 4, 2010 dam-ai-111.pdf Emergency Response on the Pentagon Reservation December 4, 2010 doc-bans-wl.htm Commerce Department Blackballs Wikileaks December 3, 2010 wikileaks-coward.htm Wikileaks Redactions Are Cowardly December 3, 2010 hungary-spy.htm Hungary National HUMINT Collection Directive December 3, 2010 slovenia-spy.htm Slovenia National HUMINT Collection Directive December 3, 2010 romania-spy.htm Romania National HUMINT Collection Directive December 3, 2010 venezuela-spy.htm Venezuela Counterintelligence Working Group Meet December 1, 2010 bulgaria-spy.htm Bulgaria National HUMINT Collection Directive December 1, 2010 palestinian-spy.htm Palestinian National HUMINT Collection Directive December 1, 2010 paraguay-spy.htm Paraguay National HUMINT Collection Directive December 1, 2010 african-sahel-spy.htm African Sahel Region National HUMINT Collection December 1, 2010 african-lakes-spy.htm African Great Lakes National HUMINT Collection December 1, 2010 icrc-spy.htm Red Cross Reports on Tunisian Prisoners December 1, 2010 un-spy.htm UN National HUMINT Collection Directive December 1, 2010 intel-crypto-ru.htm Intel's Crypto Importation Waiver from Russia December 1, 2010 wikileaks-excuse.htm Wikileaks No Excuse for Violent Assault December 1, 2010 [More] O f f s i t e WL Who Who Is Behind Wikileaks? December 16, 2010 WL Time PA Wikileaks, Time Magazine and Phillip Adams December 12, 2010 WL Lair Architecture of Wikileaks - Photos and Drawings December 11, 2010 NSA Patent Device and method of authenticated cryptography December 10, 2010 NSF Felix Guattari on New Spaces of Freedom December 9, 2010 WB Wikileaks Battle: Info Shared or Censored December 9, 2010 IC HAC Internet cornucopia vs. high art constipation December 9, 2010 MC OC Monaco Organized Crime Series - Read Daily December 9, 2010 MC Pug Monaco Honors Pugachev, Bankrupt Fraudster December 7, 2010 FAA ACLU Publishes FAA Documents December 7, 2010 MMWL Mass-mirroring Wikileaks December 5, 2010 WMT Wikileaks Mirroring Tools December 5, 2010 FWC Force of Willis Carto December 4, 2010 CIM Chichakli in Moscow December 4, 2010 MC Oleg Monaco Russian Organized Crime December 4, 2010

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Cryptome Essays, Deborah Natsios

New Cryptome Publication:

New York VOIR DIRE: Interrogating the Juridical City State of Exception
Deborah Natsios / Cryptome, 20 December 2010

http://cryptome.org/cartome/Natsios-Voir-Dire.pdf (3.4MB)

Initial version presented 17 April 2010, during panel: "Sovereign spaces: security after the war on terror"
2010 Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers (AAG)


Les Oiseaux Beyond Empire: Schoolgirl Quarantines from Dalat to the rue de Sevres
Not online

Watchlisting the Diaspora
Presented 3 October 2008: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)
Targeted Publics: Arts and Technologies of the Security City


Expanded and to be published as:

Common Lines of Flight Towards the Open City: Architectural Theory, Security and the Global City
The SAGE Handbook of Architectural Theory, publication May 2011


The Geographer in Jules Romains' 'Donogoo Tonka or the Miracles of Science: A Cinematographic Tale'
Commentary and digital film presented at Forum Finale, Temple Hoyn Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University, 5 April 2008.


Towards a New Blast Zone
in Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West, Urbanitats, No. 19, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona 2008.

Paper presented 18 May 2007, at the symposium “Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West”, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona.


National Security Sprawl
In Sensing the 21st Century City: Close-Up and Remote
AD Architectural Design
Vol. 75 No. 6 Nov/Dec 2005
Brian McGrath and Grahame Shane (eds.)
Wiley-Academy (London)


Jerusalem Sky
In The Next Jerusalem : Sharing the Divided City, Ed. Michael Sorkin
2002 Monacelli Press, New York, NY


Parallel Atlas: 38°N
Version 10, May 2002


Reversing the Panopticon
Invited Talk, 16 August 2001
10th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, DC.


Homeland Defense and the Prosecution of Jim Bell
8 June 2001
